We rely on the generous support of people like you to help make our music happen. If you’ve ever left one of our concerts moved, if you’ve been inspired by our music, or if you share our passion for music, then won't you consider making a contribution?

We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. 
Your donations are tax deductible and will be gratefully received.

Sing Into Summer - Choral Festival at Vassar College
Cor Capriccio Tuition
$200 per semester
Donation amount:
Cappella Festiva Treble Choir Tuition
$250 per semester
Donation amount:
Cappella Festiva Chamber Choir
$200 annually
Donation amount:
Appassionata: ($5000 or more)
Donation amount:
Con Fuoco ($2500 - $4999)
Donation amount:
Con Brio ($1000-$2500)
Donation amount:
Risoluto ($500 - $999)
Donation amount:
Expressivo ($250-$499)
Donation amount:
Cantabile ($100 - $249))
Donation amount:
Dolce (Up to $100)
Donation amount:
Donation to the Endowment Fund
Donation amount: